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99-100% of experts agree…
Do what you’ve always done and you’ll be who you’ve always been. Thoughts become things. The same thoughts that landed you in your present job/body/relationship won’t be the thoughts to miraculously change your trajectory.
How can we change those thoughts? Meditation.
Resolutions and 1 amazing offer
Our colleague Tara Mazanec has gone 1 step further. She has developed an amazing 12 week program that guides you every step of the way. Her 12 week F.I.T. Formula combines exercise, nutrition, yoga, mindfulness, community and Tara’s unique expertise (and Personality) into one amazing package. Sign up as an online participant or for one of the 10 in person spots.
How much weight can you lose in 5 days…
Let’s settle it then. How much weight will this Trainer lose if he lives active, eats clean, manages portions (stop eating before I’m full) without resorting to any extreme measures (starvation/sauna sweating)…
for 5 days.
Why 5 days? Because I got this idea 5 days ago. Let’s roll some highlights.
5 Nutrition Habits to energize, slim down, and feel great.
Let's not waste any time. The 5 Habits are:
Each bolded habit is also a hyperlink to a more in depth discussion.
Q: What is the most common, easily preventable mistake you see clients and athletes make?
A: Just one? There are a few I could choose from, but it seems like everyone makes this common mistake.Heck- I made this mistake all the time.Stretching when you're cold.
I try for one day of “Perfect Nutrition”
There’s a kid’s book called ‘How to be Perfect in just 3 days’. The hero takes a course to become perfect only to discover that being perfect ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Instagram (my only social account) has figured out I’m a trainer. I log in and I’m instantly barraged with new gadgets, new programs and body after perfect body selling their product: Follow my plan, use my gadget, learn my method…
And you can look perfect too.
I am a Trainer and I am obese
The results are in:
204 lbs
My waist is 33 (up from 32 in high school).
My body fat % hovers between 12-13%.
I can still run a five minute mile (if only when I'm being chased).
I am overweight.
A new study shows
Nutrition advice changes every 10 minutes.
One minute a study shows eating eggs will kill you.
The next minute a study shows the opposite.
Same goes for Red Wine, Red meat, smoking pot, coffee...
They're all bad. And then some study comes along...
Oh My God Becky...
Oh my God Becky. Look at her butt. It's dead.
Maybe we can help her.Definition: "Dead butt syndrome", also called lower cross syndrome, gluteal amnesia or gluteus medius tendinosis, occurs when the gluteus medius (one of the three main muscles in the buttock) weakens due to sitting all day."
To Roll or Not to Roll
That is the question.
DO NOT STRETCH FIRST THING.Stretching before workouts it"reduces force production and thereby reduces training performance".What do you do then? Try foam rolling. Foam rolling enhances performance and aids recovery without any drawbacks*. Need to warm up? Foam roll. Feeling stiff after a hard workout? Foam roll. Hung over? Foam Rolling (seriously).
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
Pain is a mystery.
Someone took shoulder MRI'S of twenty Major League Baseball players. 15 of them had enough structural damage to warrant immediate shoulder surgery.But only 10 of those 15 had pain.Hmph.Pain doesn't make sense. In a nearly 100 year old Harvard study of lower back pain in Men the only common symptom they identified was.... drum roll please...Stress at work.
Why you should work out as little as possible
Google Query:
How long do you have to work out in order to get a workout?
Answer: It depends.
Words of Fitness Wisdom
You were born 9-5-22
Already I have no idea what I'm doing with you. So let me talk about something I do know.When it came time to choose a path your Dad asked himself what the most powerful experience he ever had was (before meeting you of course).It was getting fit.
The Best exercise for Great Posture (is very easy)
70-93% of communication is non verbal
Want to send the world a powerful message? Stand up straight. Posture says something about you.Threat (shoulders rounded, back stooped) posture says tired, defeated, weak, stressed.Great posture signals confidence, smarts, and strength.
What does an hour of daily yoga do to you
'What's the best song you ever wrote?'
Someone asked Duke Ellington what the best song he ever wrote was. His reply:
'I haven't written it yet.'
3 Supplements I use & what they may do for you
Fitness supplements are a $14 Billion industry
A market that size will have products that range from great to dangerous. Here's a quick guide to 3 that I like and why.
Need a compression session?
What an amazing machine that body of yours is.
I am constantly in awe at the elegance and economy of our design. Don't love your body? Time to get over it. You are a work of art; beautifully made.
Need an example? Did you know the body's major lymph glands are located near the most active joints; moving these joints effectively turns them into lymphatic pumps. How's that for sophisticated design? Motion is the lotion, movement is in fact medicine and whoever coined those phrases was more right than they understood.
I go 110% 110% of the time...
Don't be that guy.
You stack the bar with tons of weight, move it 6 inches, and claim you lifted it... don't be that guy.
You don't wipe down gym equipment...
You tell people to chillax...
You tell people sit ups burn belly fat...
You go as hard as you possibly can every time you step in the gym...
I appreciate the effort, but don't. Just don't. Especially that last one. That isn't how it works.
Goal setting 101
Thoughts become things, Baby
The phone you're reading this on started off as an idea. Someone had a vision, wrote down a design, did the work, made it happen.The shirt on your back- someone had an idea for a better shirt, wrote down their design, made it happen, now you look fabulous.
Answers to the most googled fitness questions
Google Query:
What are the most googled fitness questions?I'm warning you- none of these questions have clear answers. All my answers will probably start with... 'it depends'.