Answers to the most googled fitness questions

Google Query:

What are the most googled fitness questions?

I'm warning you- none of these questions have clear answers. All my answers will probably start with... 'it depends'.

Question: How long does it take to see results?
Depends (told ya). Some results come at the speed of your nervous system (around 275 mph). If you want increased speed, strength or flexibility all it takes is for you to do something your body likes and voila! Result. One drill or one move can be incred ably effective.

Don't believe? Watch this.

The results most people are alluding to are weight loss or muscle gain.

Again it depends.

It's 90+ degrees out today. I've run long on days like this and lost 9 lbs in an hour. But that's all water weight. I weigh less, but I'm dehydrated (weaker/foggier). The scale reads lower, but I'm not looking vibrant or thinner. Just exhausted. The weight comes back the minute I hydrate.

Looking for fat loss? Sustainable fat loss comes at about a pound per week. If you create a caloric deficit (diet + exercise) of about 500 calories per day you will lose that pound. 1 lb does not sound significant but look at the size of 5 lbs of body fat.

Fat does not come off at one specific part of your bod, but if you lose 5 lbs, even while gaining muscle, people will notice.
Answer: 5 weeks.

Just the other day I was wondering where my summer went. I feel like yesterday it was late May. 5 weeks ago. Time flies.

Question: What are the best diets to follow?
Eat like an adult. From Dan John's book 'Never Let Go':

"Here is an idea: Eat like an adult. Stop eating fast food, stop eating kid's cereal, knock it off with all the sweets and comfort foods whenever your favorite show is not on when you want it on, ease up on the snacking and—don't act like you don't know this—eat vegetables and fruits more. Really, how difficult is this?"

Learn how to eat, how to shop, and how to cook. You can try keto, south beach, Atkins, fat flush and see success but until you can shop for and cook 2-3 tasty meals from memory, have a go to cookbook or food blog you're leasing that thin body, you don't own it.

It took me until my 30's to eat like an adult. I made my transition to adult eating via a cookbook called Gourmet Nutrition from Precision Nutrition. I can personally vouch for about 80% of the meals in there (meaning I've cooked, eaten and enjoyed them). The book gives you dozens of delicious recipes (that don't require much prep), a schedule of when to eat them relative to your daily activity/workout, the portion size you should be eating, and all of the relevant nutritional information. I believe in this book. If you eat recipes from this book for 5 weeks you're people will take notice.

I am not paid to recommend this book and you couldn't pay me to recommend a diet. Eat Whole Foods, control portions, drink water, stop before you over eat. I have been some degree of fit my entire adult life and I wish I found this book earlier.

What's the best gym in Boston?

Too easy. Train, Baby! This is the place where the trainer and the client can maximize their potential! That was a softball. One more.

What are the best exercises to lose weight?
Jump rope. I covered this one partly in this blog post from a few months ago. Jump rope burns the most calories.

But the question is flawed. Why?

Because some people can't jump rope to save their lives.
And some just can't stand jumping rope for a long time.
And jump rope will hurt other people.

Let me ask you a question? Why do you want to know the best exercise?

Is it because you want the fastest results? Results aren't coming for 5 weeks.

And if you do any exercise (jump rope, running, lifting) consistently for 5 weeks you're gonna see and like the result. Oh boy... I think I have a definitive answer.

Answer 2: Consistency is the best exercise to lose weight.

Be consistent. Time Flies Baby! Time Flies!


Goal setting 101


Low Carb, No Carb, Fast Carb, Slow Carb