The Best exercise for Great Posture (is very easy)
70-93% of communication is non verbal.
Want to send the world a powerful message? Stand up straight. Posture says something about you.
Threat (shoulders rounded, back stooped) posture says tired, defeated, weak, stressed.
Great posture signals confidence, smarts, and strength.
Not to mention your physical and mental states are a two way street. Are you standing tall because you're confident, or are you confident because you're standing tall?
Bill Gates described his ideal employee as naturally lazy. Why hire that guy? Because the lazy guy streamlines systems: they find the most efficient way to do something to avoid work. Your brain is like that lazy employee. Posture is under reflexive muscle control meaning that it is something your brain (usually) regulates automatically. Your brain defaults to whatever posture you're typically in to save time and effort.
What cues are you constantly giving your brain?
Let's do an exercise.
Stand up.
Find a mirror.
Stare at your phone 12" from your face.
Read a few paragraphs or watch a quick insta video.
Look at your posture in the mirror.
I'm betting your slouched forward to pay attention to the screen.
Our vision is our most important, most dominant sense. Where our eyes go our bodies follow. Remember this if you're skiing or mountain biking (if you stare at the tree you'll see it close up- trust me). When you stare at something close to you your eye muscles constrict to allow better focus on close objects. To aid your eyes your head will jut forward, your shoulders will round and your spine will flex forward. Focusing on something extremely close to you gives you bad posture.
Is this your default?
Let's try the opposite.
Stand up- find the mirror.
Stare at something far away on the horizon for 20-30 seconds.
Now look at your posture.
When your eye muscles widen and you look ahead your shoulders roll back, your spine gets tall and your head sits atop your neck.
That's the exercise. Not rows, or good mornings. Just stare at something far away. Easy.
Lemon squeezie.
Trapped at a desk all day. Make sure to schedule in breaks where you stare off into the distance. Tell your boss it's posture work, not daydreaming.
Take it next level! Stare at something far away while walking. This also challenges your balance and your peripheral vision. Master this and your default posture will really change.
Posture says something about you. Visionaries look to the future, the horizon. Shoulders back, head up.
70-93% of communication is non verbal. The world takes notice.
Where your eyes go your body will follow.