Small adjustments- big improvements
The LO Maglev are The fastest trains in the world at 375 miles per hour. They utilize Magnetic Levitation to ride, without friction, a few scant inches above the track.
An adjustment of a few inches makes the LO Maglev faster and more efficient than conventional trains. Small adjustments (inches) can create big improvements on the train…
Or in your Training.
Tweaks to your diet can create huge breakthroughs. A weekly caloric deficit of 350 calories adds up to a 5 lb weight reduction over a year. That’s 50 calories a day, equivalent to 2 bites of chocolate cake.
Small adjustments to your workouts may be all you need to make similar breakthroughs.
Example: Let’s look at your hamstrings.
Everyone has tight hamstrings. And EVERYONE stretches them wrong.
Let me illustrate. Touch your toes.
Feel that hamstring stretch? Directly behind your knees. These are not your hamstrings. What you’re feeling are ligaments. They do not stretch. They tear. That kinda defeats the purpose of touching your toes, huh?
Now stretch with a bent knee, just an inch. Feel that? That’syour hamstring; somewhere midway up the back of your thigh. This is how you stretch it properly (click here for video). A small adjustment has just created a measurable result (see below).
Getting fit isn’t as hard as most people think. Just 11 minutes of exercise a day has a profound effect on your health and longevity. You may think you need to do something drastic like run a marathon, or go vegan to get fit; but small adjustments of just a few calories or adjusting by an inch can make big difference.
Knowing which micro adjustments to make… That’s the hard part. Sometimes that necessitates a Coach.
A Trainer.
I know a few.