Not this again
This, right here, is offensive.
Demonstrably false.
I take it personally.
You should too.
Ain’t no shame in our game. Intelligent trainers only.
Why you should feel insulted?
We’ve seen it before. Versions of this headline pollute the cover of magazines, articles, and blogs everywhere. They prey on a universal insecurity that drives millions of people to unrealistic expectations, self harm, and mental anguish.
An overweight person reads this, does the magical exercises contained within, sees no results, feels hopeless and gives up.
A person with body issues reads it, follows it, sees no results and is saddled with additional self loathing and depression.
‘The expert Trainer said this is the short cut. It didn’t work. What’s wrong with me?’
Why I’m insulted
Personal Training isn’t a widely respected career.
Could that have something to do with the harmful “advice” proffered by “experts”?
Let me kill this headline with one sentence: One can’t target body fat.
That's called spot reduction. If spot reduction worked our dominant hand/arm/side of the body would be slimmer (the additional use of the dominant hand would result in one side of your body looking slimmer, stronger, or both. But that's not what happens).
Doing crunches doesn't flatten the stomach.
Doing curls and kickbacks doesn’t burn fat in the arm.
The “burning sensation” you feel as you work a body part “is a result of a cascade of physiological effects in response to microscopic trauma sustained during intense exercise. That cascade includes inflammation in the muscles in response to the microtrauma” research suggests.
The process by which the body selects which fat to burn isn’t properly understood. If it were do you think the New York Post (and Tracy ‘Magic exercises” Swartz) would give this valuable information away for free?
I think they’d charge thousands of dollars for this information.
Still the fitness media opts for the cheap clickbait offering false hope.
When my industry preys on insecurity at the expense of facts it makes us all look bad.
If not this then what?
You trusted us.
You bought in. You read the article. You did the exercises. Nothing happened.
You were sold a lie about what exercise can do for you. A lie repeated in ads, TV shows, articles, YouTube videos…
Maybe you're thinking your body is defective bc the lie didnt work for you.
You aren't.
Maybe you're wondering what the actual benefits of exercise are.
Deep breath… strength, flexibility, increased metabolism, stronger bones, weight management, mental health, libido, Vitality, resistance to disease, increased energy, better sleep, increases endurance, brain health, better balance, lower cancer risk, heart health, look better, feel better, live longer, happier and on and on and on…
I’ve said again and again that if exercise were a pill it would be the most prescribed pill in the world.
If ya can't sell that then you just ain't that good a salesperson.
Maybe you should read my article: How clickbait is destroying Trainer's credibility feat. 5 real reasons to mltivate people to work out?