It just doesn’t matter

Welcome to family feud. I’m your host SDA. We surveyed 100 people, the top 2 answers are on the board:

Question: What do you eat the night before the big race?

The number one answer (with 95 out of 100 answers): pasta.

Number 2: it doesn't matter.

You can ask for a lighter load, or get stronger shoulders

What does Matter?

I once won a road race the morning after getting drunk and falling down the stairs at Clery's (long story).

There was no pasta that night either.

Results aren't achieved the night before.

Results are achieved by what you do consistently every single day.

If you eat poorly for months leading up to the race one pasta dinner won't effect the outcome.

But if you live a healthy lifestyle, If you work out consistently, sleep well, don't over stress yourself, sometimes you can get away with drunken tomfoolery.

The Broader picture

Your weight, your fitness and your mindset are a product of daily habits.

One constructive gesture won't tip scales.

Nor will a negative one.

Your body will always look and feel like the lifestyle you adapt, so choose wisely. Lifting weights, running half marathons and Yoga immersion all create an adaptation in your body: For better (strength, heart health, endurance, flexibility) and for worse (working out hard cones w it's share of injuries, muscle stiffness, soreness and fatigue).

Lastly- you're not stuck w just one lifestyle. I've inhabited a body primed for strength training, for endurance, and for yoga.

None of those fit quite right so I created a hybrid: me.

Try on a new lifestyle, tailor it to what you like, and be amazed at the changes you can make.


The Executive Athlete


Not this again