Bad Art, Politics and Training

It's never 100% a slam dunk, but I read that more often than not it pans out.

I wonder why? It's like they have more information than we do?

Can we use thus strategy with our health?

Over on Instagram a guy by the handle @dougie_doge has amassed a gigantic following by finding out how celebrities train, doing their workout a few times, showing how tough they are, and then giving it the old thumbs up.

Brad Pitts Fight Club routine: did it. Chris Hemsworth’s Thor workouts: Done. Chris Farley’s Tommy Boy workout: CRUSHED IT.

This copying strategy will work when it comes to strength/athletic training but there are a few landmines you need to avoid. Let’s have a look.

Pick the correct role model

Body type matters. If you want the physiuque of someone like the Rock (endomorph), but have the body type of the Biebs (ectomorph) you are setting yourself up for failure. SMART goals are Achievable. When searching for someone to emulate make sure that you’re somewhat similar to begin with.

Rest assured there is someone out there with your basic shape who looks amazing.

Aside from you, that is.

Abs are made in the kitchen

Working out the same way as you role model will yield results, but mimicking their nutrition and lifestyle habits is equally important.

You can’t out-train a bad diet.

Nor can celebs.

Start Slow

If someone has an admiration worthy physique their workouts will be tough. Build up to them. Regress exercises where you need to, and remember soreness and failure are signs you’re on the right path.

Give it time

Like this Nike ad featuring Eluid Kipchoge aptly says: Patience (and persistence) get you there faster.

That was a hell of a patient 1:59:40.2 marathon he ran.

Pick a plan; put your head down; put in the work; reap the rewards..

Work with a Trainer

I always say that our bodies are our billboards. Find a Trainer who looks (and moves) the way you want to look and move. They are going to train you the same way they train themselves.

In the words of Train co-owner Alan Goldsmith ‘Train with someone who’s body you want… everyone wants my body.’

He didn’t actually say that, but I bet for a minute even he was asking himself when he said that.

Free Assessment Session

You made it this far down the newsletter. Your reward. 1 free assessment session with one of our amazing Trainers. Time to face the music. We want you, and you obviously want us. Why don’t we quit playing all these games.


Fountain of Youth Found


What to do when you’re sore