You made it to the gym. Now what?

You made it to the gym. Now what?

Fit pros have all heard of something called the 80/20 rule: take a random sample of 100 gym members; 20 of them use the gym; 80 sign up and never return.

Train- Other gyms are all like ‘we're the outlaw rebels! Come run on our treadmills. Meanwhile our Trainers are more experienced, cost less, and get paid more. It is hard, hard work being this good.

I dispute that 80 never come. They come for 3 weeks (January 2nd to about January 21st). They use the ellipse for 25 minutes, do a few sets of curls, take a steam, see no results, get bored, and stop coming.

‘I’m just not a gym person,’ they think. I get it. Doing something hard and seeing no results is depressing. Why bother?

Getting to the gym isn't the problem.

The problem is knowing what to do once you're there.

Fitness isn’t rocket science. There are elegant, well thought out programs that will help you reach goals quickly but a novice can’t spot them. They don’t know the difference bw a back squat, a goblet squat or a zercher squat. These programs will sail right over head.

The good news is simple programming works. 10 minutes, 2 to 5 moves, a few times a week. It’s all you need.

Super Trainer Pavel Tsatsouline’s Simple and Sinister workout is a general physical preparedness workout that is 2 moves. You read that correctly. You need one piece of equipment (a kettlebell). I’ve completed it in 10 minutes. If you’re starting out (and can safely swing a kettlebell) it’s enough.

I inadvertently created my own simple/sinister workout (The 5x5). It’s 5 moves and takes about 10 minutes. Have a look HERE.

Can you master 2 moves for 10 minutes? Can you master 5 moves for 10? It’s that simple.

You don’t need the perfect program.

You don’t need hours in the gym.

Show up, move, lift heavy things.

I hate to break it to you- you may just be a gym person.

80/20? More like 79/21!

Still need help getting to the gym and deciphering a simple (or complex) training plan? There’s always us Trainers.


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