What should I do on my own?

Top questions Trainers hear (complete w quick answers):

  • Q: What's the best exercise for… A:(All exercises are good (for someone). All of them are bad (for someone). The answer depends on who you're talking to and what they’re trying to accomplish.)

  • Q: What do you think of [insert fad diet or exercise]? A: (It's interesting; but the best stuff has been around for awhile. Yoga, running, boxing, kettlebells, martial arts and eating like an adult have withstood the test of time.)

  • Q: What should I do on my own?

I don’t think anyone really wants an answer here. People are asking these questions to be polite, but I’ll give this one a blog post anyway. Next time I’m at a party, or wherever, and someone asks me what they should do my answer is, ‘I have a blog post for this occasion.’

Q: So what should you do?

We know exactly what you should do.

The Magnificent 7

A: There are 7 basic movements everyone should train. They are:

  1. Push

  2. Pull

  3. Hinge

  4. Squat

  5. Lunge

  6. Rotate

  7. Gait

That's the complete nutritious breakfast of fitness. Check these boxes and you're moving well, getting stronger. This is about 80% of what a Trainer does (the other 20%: 10% corrective exercise. 10% sneaking looks at your muscles in gym mirrors).

Those 7 categories give you an endless, absolutely endless, array of workout options. Here are 3 Train approved ways to utilize the 7 basic movement patterns for a good workout.

Number 1: Beginner

You can do this workout literally anywhere. All you need is a band and a little motivation. Do this 3 x’s a week for a month and people will take notice.

3x5 Air squats

3x5 push ups

3x5 Single leg Glute bridges (per side)

3x5 Band Rows

3x5 Step ups

3x5 Band Twists

Take a 20 minute walk.

Number 2: Intermediate

Now we’re going to need a gym and a little equipment. This is for all the people who get to the gym and don’t know what to do upon arrival.

3x7 Goblet Squats

3x7 DB Bench Press

3x7 Hip thrusts

3x7 DB Rows

3x7 Lunges

3x7 Wood chops

Take a 20 minute jog

Number 3: Proceed at your own risk

Are you in need for a serious ass kicking? Look no further. This is one of the hardest workouts you’ll ever meet. You can do this to finish it; or you can do it for time (the current fastest is 17:50 by resident Train stud Ian MacNab).

I did this for time two weeks ago and got absolutely demolished (20:50). Proceed at your own risk.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Magnificent 7:

7x7 Deadlift @ 135

7x7 Bench @ 135

7x7 Box Jump (24”)

7x7 chin ups

7x7 Lunges (7 aside)

7x7 Ball slams w rotation (7 to each side)

7x :30 jump rope

Is it that easy?

Yes. This covers all the moves you need to train.

What have I done? Have I shared the Colonel’s secret recipe and put Train out of business? Who needs a Trainer once you’ve acquired this trove of insider information?

Everyone needs a Trainer. Including me. Why? Training is about more than lifting weights. There’s also:

  • Foam rolling

  • Stretching

  • Mobility

  • Corrective exercise

  • Motivation

  • Cardio

  • Yoga

  • Unlicensed therapy

  • Balance

  • Boxing

  • Accountability

All this could be yours with a few training sessions.

Not to mention learning how to sneak quick looks at yourself in the gym mirror.


If it’s old you can trust it


Kenny G and Omar Little