
A client was telling me an anecdote about how hair dressers/barbers can look at someone and tell how long it's been since their last haircut.

‘Can you do the same thing with someone's last workout?’

No. But I can spot my tribe. It's easy to look someone up and down and assess if they do yoga, free weights, or marathons.

I”d be able to pick out crossfitters too but they just up and tell you.

You can also pick out people who drink.

Drink water that is.

Their skin is vibrant, luscious hair. They're upbeat, healthy and are less prone to injury when working out.

Sound like a tribe you wanna join? It's easy. Drink your water.

How much water should you drink daily? The formula I followed to this point:

  • Your weight (lbs) / 2 =

  • oz’s of water you should drink daily.

Simple. Now there’s some new information. Let’s grab a drink, shall we.

Nirvana is a set of 10 heavy ball slams picturing your (ex, boss, bully)’s face on the floor.

We have the balls. Namaste.

High Quality H20

Renowned Neuroscientist and YouTube sensation Andrew Huberman has another formula for water intake that is independent of body weight.

‘8 oz of fluid, or 240 Ml of fluid on average for every hour from the time we wake up, until 10 hours later. If you are engaging in exercise you should take your bodyweight in lbs, divide that by 30, and that will give you the number of oz’s of fluid to ingest every 15-20 minutes on average while exercising.”

Quick math for a 150 lb person:

  • 1st Formula= 75 oz water

  • 2nd Formula= 80 oz water

  • 2nd Formula + :30 minutes of exercise= 90 oz of water.

The more the better. It’s hard to consume too much water, but it can be done. That’s called hyponytremia. Your essential minerals get diluted/depleted. It is rare, but it can happen, and it’s not good.

A Flood of information

Does it have to be straight water? What if I drink 80+ oz of Diet Coke, coffee or beer instead?

All beverages contribute to overall fluid intake. Drinking that much Diet Coke, coffee or beer will not end well. You’re welcome to try… but stick with water or water w electrolytes.

If I’m dehydrated, how long does it take for me to hydrate?

Depends. If you’re generally healthy/hydrated and working out water takes about 15 minuted from lips to absorption, and 45 if you’re somewhat dehydrated.

If you’re chronically dehydrated it could take days, even weeks to get your body back up to speed. Go slowly. Your body hates rapid change/surprises.

Did you know your body gets an important amount of hydration from the food you eat as well? Sounds like another reason to eat some fruits and veggies and ditch the Twinkies.

Some of the other bennies of drinking enough water.

If that doesn’t make you thirsty…

So come on, join the tribe. It's as easy as grabbing a drink.


Sub maximal Training