The #1 Law to remove temptation

The #1 law

Its hard to quit drinking when you work in a bar.

Harder to embrace positivity hanging around pessimists.

Harder to fix your nutrition if you’re working in a fast food restaurant.

Environment matters.

If you’re aiming for a big goal you gotta be in the right situation. It all starts at home.

Do yourself a favor: make it easy. Remove temptation.

You overestimate what you can do in a day; underestimate what you can do in a month; and really underestimate what would happen if you quit drinking and got to bed by 10.

Berardi’s Law

John Berardi is many things: Author, speaker, professional dieter, creator of Precision Nutrition. In a world where every marketer lies about getting you to lose 10 lbs overnight John has created a common sense, thoughtful and effective nutrition coaching system. No emptypromises. Just grounded nutritional advice.

He is also the author of Berardi’s law which states:

If a food is in your house or possession, either you, someone you love, or someone you marginally tolerate, will eventually eat it.⁣

Makes sense, right?

Protect this house

No one is immune to temptation.

Maybe the trick is to remove it. Tamar Haspel of the Washington post agrees:

Most of us, most of the time, don’t overeat because we’re hungry. We overeat because we’re tempted…the single best suggestion I have is to clear your house of every single food that calls to you. Seriously. Every one… If I had to wage a daily battle against a house full of ice cream, chips and baked goods, I would undoubtedly lose. So those things just don’t cross my threshold (except for the occasional festivity). I know I’m no match for 24/7 temptation… while I can’t silence the call of the Cherry Garcia all day and all night, I can silence it for the seven seconds it takes me to walk past the ice cream aisle at the grocery store.

You’re thinking about it right now.

You’re thinking you’re gonna go purge the fridge.

You’re thinking about trashing that half eaten bag of pretzels at work.

You’re thinking it takes Tamar 7 seconds to pass the ice cream freezer, but you can make it 3.

And I’m thinking someone else with more excuses made it in 2.

Is that a challenge?

Bet your sweet ass it is.

You got this.


Sub maximal Training


Citius, Altius, Fortius