She’s figured out the formula for strength, endurance, and happiness.

Megan Beck is the 1% of the fitness profession. Not only is she strong enough to do a muscle-up, or run 70+ miles (with obstacles), she’s smart enough to teach others how they can achieve similar feats of strength.

Recently Megan began using Continual Glucose Monitoring(CGM) “to help optimize my nutrition specifically for my Ultra Racing season” with astonishing results. When someone as fit as she makes a noticeable leap in performance we take notice, and we have questions.

A CGM “is a wearable device that measures blood sugar, or glucose. It takes measurements throughout the day which you can view on a smartphone.

Continuously monitoring your blood sugar can provide helpful information…. For instance, it can tell you how your blood sugar levels respond to different foods.”

Q & A with one of the Best

Me: First off Megan, thanks for working with us at Train (where all of you can try and book a session w her, but no guarantees, she’s in demand). Tell me about Ultra-human (her CGM company).

MB: Ultrahuman is a company that specializes in wearable biometric trackers. I am specifically using their Ultrahuman M1 Continuous Metabolism Tracker which pairs a continuous glucose monitor with their tracking platform.

Me: So you eat something, the cgm registers it's effect in your glucose levels, and then the app suggests food pairing that will even off the blood sugar level?

MB: I input my food i to my fitness pal and it gives a good score based on how my body responded to it and gives suggestions of how to improve it.

Me: This leads to more consistent energy? Satiety?

MB: Yep. The changes that I make because of the suggestions help to keep my blood glucose more stable, providing more consistent energy. I'm also eating more throughout the day because I've added in additional foods to create better balance. I'm hungry less often and am eating on more of a schedule based on how long my body is processing the foods I'm eating.

Me: Describe your successes utilizing the CGM.

MB: My aim with using Ultrahuman M1 wasn’t for weight loss or aesthetic purposes. My weight as of writing this (6 weeks in) has dropped only 3-4 pounds. I do not track my body composition enough to report the numbers, but I am noticing substantial changes in my body composition, particularly in my “problem areas” of my mid-section and arms.

My running and strength training has shown the greatest benefits from my dietary changes due to the CGM tracking. In comparing my pacing and heart rate data from the week before starting on the CGM to today, 6 weeks later, my tempo pacing has improved by 1-1:30 minute per mile pace and my heart rate is lower as a whole, both in workouts as well as resting heart rate which has dropped 5 bpm average. My strength workouts are also continuing to get better with my intraworkout recovery improving, allowing for each set to be stronger and more efficient.

Me (spits out coffee): :60 to :90 seconds per mile. Holy sh*t (translation- that’s a BIG IMPROVEMENT).

MB: I have personally never felt better, in mind and body. I have not made huge changes to my diet (I don’t think?), but I am seeing drastic results. Little things such as nutrient timing and quality play a huge role in how my body reacts. With the proper pairing for foods, I can eat almost anything that I’d like (I ate cupcakes this weekend!!) without doing damage to my body. I have learned so much about my body through this process and I believe that I can sustain these lifestyle habits long-term. I plan to use Ultrahuman tracking on and off throughout my ultra racing season, more as a checks and balance system moving forward. The time I’ve spent tracking my blood glucose has been imperative in maximizing my training potential and I’m excited to report back after this week’s ultra to report how much of a difference I see on race day.

Me: I read so much about the mind-gut connection. Has CGM affected your Mindset as well?

MB: As someone who has been working very diligently on my mental health, I firmly believe these dietary changes have helped me to overcome my personal symptoms of depression and anxiety. My confidence is much higher and I am able to maintain a much stronger work:life balance. 

Me: What are the biggest challenges?

MB: Discipline is the biggest challenge with any dietary change. While the CGM will report how my body is responding to foods, it will not smack the donut out of my hand. It is up to me to make the necessary changes to keep my blood glucose within range. This means that I’m no fun when I go out to eat or meet up with people for anything revolving food and drinks. I opt for clean, home cooked meals instead of take out or eating out. I also am constantly checking my blood glucose to see how what I’m doing is affecting my body, although at this point, I am checking the app less and less and learning more about how to feel any changes.

Me: Who is this for?

MB: Personally, I think that every person would benefit from a CGM service. Unless you are diabetic or have concerns about your personal blood glucose regulation, I do not believe that this is something that people need to live on, but rather use it as an ergonomic aid to learn about their body’s responses to different foods. This isn’t a nutritional program to stick to, but rather a tool to help you make specific nutritional lifestyle changes necessary for you. Everybody’s body responds to things differently. This is a way to identify what works or doesn’t work for you.

Me: Thanks for answering our questions! This was amazing! I learned so much. Good luck at your Ultra this weekend.

There you have it folks. A 1% Trainer leading by example. You can check the links for more information, or book a session w Megan (no guarantees- she’s almost booked out) to learn more.


How many sets, how many reps


The Executive Athlete