Poetry in Motion

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter–it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.’- Mark Twain

Muhammad Ali finishes his commencement speech at Harvard when an audience member shouted, ‘Give us a poem.’

Ali turns, ad libs:

‘Me.  We.’

The shortest poem ever written, and for my money, one of the greatest.

Poetry is many things, most of which exceed my grasp of language.  But I do understand and appreciate the power of brevity.

Brevity is elegant.

‘Brevity is the soul of wit,’- Lord Polonius in Hamlet (paradoxically not a brief play).

Don’t use two words when you can use one.

Which brings us to an English language cliche: Poetry in motion.


Economy of movement.  Don’t move any more or any further than you need to.  The right amount of movement at just the right time.


This is what we aspire to.

Watch great yogis.  Great athletes.  Great dancers.

It looks simple because it is.  Right movement, right time, right speed. Integrated effortlessly.  


Much is written about form. Running form, lifting form…. Hundreds of books and articles.


Move in arches not angles.

Be economical.

Light on your feet.




Simple and complex simultaneously

Poetry in motion.

There is something about great movement that affects us emotionally.  It’s why we shell out money for dance, professional sports, movies.

Athletic poetry.

And when you’re graceful, for a moment or for a mile, you understand why.

It’s the drug we trainers and coaches are selling. It's teachable. The right Coach can navigate the simple complexity.

‘That’s not me,’ you’ll modestly proclaim. Well I’ve taught over 2,000 yoga classes; every student has it in them to move well, if only for a moment. I’ve seen it.

Me. We. Everyone can move well.

‘How will I know when I’m poetry in motion?’

There aren’t words for some things.  They must be experienced.

The difference between the lightning bug and lightning.

You’ll know.


One problem


Fire the Safety Guy