No One believes in facts anymore

Facts prove Nothing

What’s the difference bw God and a neuroscientist?

God doesn’t think he’s a neuroscientist.

Ba dum bum.

I’m no neuroscientist, but what little I know about neuroscience and its application to training is jaw dropping, inspirational, hopeful, beautiful. Your brain’s capacity to make you stronger, more flexible, and pain free INSTANTLY, is quite simply amazing.

But as the book ‘Pain neuroscience education’ points out, if someone is not convinced something will work they're right; and it won't. The most important factor in the success of any drill, any workout, any diet, any proposed change to your physical/mental state is this:

You have to understand what you're doing and believe it will work.

“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.” -Leo Tolstoy

If you doubt something will work, it won’t work. There’s little I can do to change your mind, but if I could here are a few of the weirdest things I’d convince you to believe in.

What I wished you believed

Sleeping better can lead to weight loss.

If one move can get you into pain, one move can get you out.That said, your body is the sum total of <your age> years of accumulated habits. To stay out of pain you’re gonna need to practice that one move over and over…

and over.

Chronic pain is often the product of emotional trauma. I.e. back pain has nothing to do with your back.

Taping your mouth shut at night will help you sleep better, recover faster and… lose weight.

Slow, shallow breaths through the nose will do more for your circulation and chronic pain than most drugs.

Don’t go hard every workout.

Patience is the fastest path.

The final thing weird thing I want you to believe in is YOU. You have the answers to every one of your problems within you. You know what to do, who to trust.

I could keep going but like I said, facts don’t change minds.

Only social media can.

I wish I was lying.

The No Processed Sugar Challenge

Day 32/110 of no processed sugar.

29% done.

My body weight range is bw 202 and 205. Down from 211-215. This has been consistent for 2 weeks.

I want to lose as bit more weight. To do so will require I change some additional habits.


Is this the healthiest Snack?


I exercise like a fiend. Why won’t the weight come off?