I can’t prove this, I just know it’s true
There’s a great running gag on ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ called ‘I can’t prove it; I just know it’s true’. Let’s play a round.
I can’t prove Brad Pitt was on Steroids for ‘Fight Club’; I just know it’s true.
I can’t prove every character in Quentin Tarantino movies talks exactly like Quentin Tarantino; I just know it’s true.
I can’t prove Pat Sajak is eternally bored with his job, I just know it’s true.
I can’t prove coffee increased my anxiety; I just know it’s true. From Goodrx Health:
Train- we’ll get you 7 minute abs in 6 minutes.
While the side effects of caffeine and anxiety can be alike, you can’t get anxiety from caffeine directly. But, drinking coffee can make anxiety symptoms worse.
Research shows that in people with panic disorder, caffeine consumption raises the risk of having a panic attack and increases levels of anxiety.
Time for an anecdote: I didn’t start drinking coffee until my mid 30's. I'm a generally anxious person, but not Woody Allen or anything.
I always slept well.
Some time after I began drinking coffee my anxiety kicked up a notch. My sleep suffered. Negative emotions lingered longer.
I tried breathing, yoga, exercise, more exercise, cold tubs, therapy, diet and finally therapy in attempt to feel like myself again.
And nothing really changed. I couldn’t figure it.
What changed? What had I begun doing in the last 7-8 years that gradually lead to increased anxiety?
Maybe it’s coffee?
First it was a latte in the morning. Then an extra one here and there when I was dragging. Then two became the norm to get me through the day.
During the pandemic I was drinking up to three large coffees every day. It was something to do.
I had just thrown down my third cup one day when I noticed I felt like crap. Jittery. Anxious. I enjoyed the morning cup, but felt crappy after every other one.
Seriously. Maybe it’s the coffee?
I consulted Dr Google and found a myriad of connections between caffeine consumption and anxiety. It is important to know that caffeine effect is different from person to person. You may be able to handle 2-3 cups a day. From Medical News Today:
Evidence from genetic studiesTrusted Source found that adenosine receptor genes play a role in the development of anxiety. This suggests that some individuals may have an increased risk of anxiety disorders and that caffeine may make them more susceptible. More studies are needed in this area.
I know. I couldn’t leave well enough alone. I had to taint that one pure thing you found enjoyable. That’s not my point. Coffee isn't bad for you like sugar, cigarettes and Nickelback.
My point is sometimes we need to make a change; but we don’t know what that change is. I saw Doctors, therapists, ice bath specialists. All of them had an answer, and all those answers are right for someone. I had to keep looking to find my answer.
Leave no stone unturned if you need a change. Maybe that change has to do with exercise (in that case come work with us). Maybe, like me, It has to do with diet.
I kicked coffee. First I switched to decaf (which oddly still has caffeine, but less), and finally I went cold turkey (it was both easier and more difficult than you’d think). The changes were immediate. Deeper sleep, better energy…
Less anxiety.
Finally- the change I needed.
I can’t prove it; I just know it’s true.