Fitness saves lives

'“It’s kind of semi-dark and I’m alone, and I’m old,” Willie Murphy, 82, said of her home. A man knocked on the door one night, begging for help; he heard her older feminine voice and decided the coast was clear.

He broke in.

‘He picked the wrong house,’ said Murphy

Train- We’re not #1; oh wait I lied. We’re numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5!*

He discovered the hard way that Willie, at 82, is a championship weightlifter who goes to the gym everyday. She turned the tables on her assailant; literally.

“I took (my) table and I went to working on him,” she said. “And guess what? The table broke… He was happy to get into the ambulance”

Gym life 1, Street life zero.

Fitness saves lives. How so? A partial list:

  • lower risk of falling and stronger bones in the event of a fall.

  • better metabolic health and reduced inflammation.

  • reduced muscle atrophy.

  • Increased resiliency from injury/disease.

  • Clobbering would be attackers.

There is a 100% guarantee that getting fit will positively impact your life. You know this. You want better balance and stronger muscles. You want to break a folding chair over the next thug who tests you. But something’s keeping you. You're intimidated, you don't know where to start, you've been hurt in the past…

Maybe you need a Coach?

Michael Jordan had one.

Tom Brady had one.

Willie Murphy has one. She only started power lifting 7 years ago.

Your turn. Just think about what you’ll accomplish if you click that lil button down there.


Great Arm Workout


The Power of 1%