Eat. No don’t eat. Now eat.

We’re eating wrong.

Too many portions.

Too many calories.

Of nonnutrtitive, overly processed food.

And now a recent alarming study on intermittent fastingsuggests not eating is bad too.

So eat? Don’t eat?

Definitely eat.

What to eat, then?

Lets take it a meal at a time. What goes into a healthy meal?

The window most intermittent fasters used was bw Noon and 8 pm.

That’s out. We're eating breakfast again.

So what's for breakfast?

That's not too many calories.

That's made from real food.

That fills us; so we don't keep eating.

Easter Candy won’t burn off by accident

Behold- a healthy recipe. It is not perfect. It may not be your jam, but it lets us talk about how we should think about nourishing ourselves. Let’s discuss.

Side note- if dairy is a problem (above) you can sub coconut or almond milk.

A complete nutritious breakfast

This healrhy oatmeal recipe from Precision nutrition will change your life. First up, why is it healthy?

A healthy plate features 5 things:

1- Minimally processed carbs- steel cut oats, apples, walnuts.

Carbs are our chief energy source. I've heard all the low carb chatter. Carbs are not the enemy. Processed carbs like chips and cookies are. They have negligible nutritional value. Empty calories.

Feeling empty inside? It may be what you're eating.

Minimally processed carbs are Whole Foods you can trace to the earth in one or two steps. These carbs provide “sustained energy, essential nutrients, and fiber that support digestion and heart health.”

2- Veggies/fruits- apples (plus you can add blueberries and strawberries as well).

Veggies and fruits are excellent sources of water, vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Fruits and veggies are good for us? Who knew?

3- Healthy fats- courtesy of the walnuts.

Fat gets a bad rap. We need the non processed kind that rebuilds cell walls and provides energy.

Unfortunately we're bombarded with saturated and trans fat that makes my pants too tight.

According to Precision Nutrition consumption of healthy fats can aid

And they’re filling. So you don’t over-eat.

4- Lean protein- from the protein powder (I use vegan vanilla protein from arbonne. You can buy yours from Tara Mazanec(who works w us at Train)).

“Protein helps replace worn out cells, transports various substances throughout the body, and aids in growth and repair.”

Not to mention protein is filling. When you feel sated you’re less likely to wander back to the cabinet in search of more food.

Yes- protein powder is processed. No one’s perfect.

5- Taste. I’m perfectly willing to eat certain things purely for nutritional benefit (hey there athletic greens) but it goes down easier when it tastes good.

This recipe benefits from some nice touches of cinnamon and maple syrup.

One down- two to go

So there’s a healthy breakfast for you. Same rules apply for lunch and dinner and Precision has loads more great recipes. Check those 5 boxes, and then remember there's such a thing as too much of a good thing. Stop eating before you’re stuffed.

Now you’re eating right.

Why should we care?

Day in and day out I eat pretty well.

I traveled over the Easter holiday. I abandoned my routine. I skipped my veggie smoothies. I ate a few Easter chocolates, a danish...

I felt like absolute crap. After 2 days.

It’s difficult to quantify how great eating clean feels until you go through this remission.

It’s enough to make you crave some hearty oatmeal, or a salad.

Maybe even Athletic Greens.

Eating well gets you feeling well. When you’re feeling well you’re a better, healthier person. That person is more vital at work and at home.

Vital people change lives, solve world peace, unite Dems and Republicans.

If we're going to save the world it all starts with oatmeal.


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