Better Balance in :30 seconds
Results take time. Weight loss. Muscle gain. Skill development. All of them require time and patience.
It doesn’t take as long when you know what you’re doing.
Train- Today is the youngest day of your life. Seize the day. Get healthy. Have fun.
Let me show you. What’s a top request I hear from clients?
‘I want better balance.’
Yes! Let’s improve that in :30 flat.
Step 1- test your balance. You can test your balance by:
Performing a heightened Rhombergs test (linked here).
Now that we have a baseline let’s improve it.
Here’s the drill:
Stare at the smiley face. Trace three infinity loops in each direction with your nose (keep your eyes on the face). Remember the eyes don’t move.
Now point your nose at the smiley face. Trace three infinity loops in each direction with your eyes without moving your head or neck. Remember the head doesn’t move.
Retest your balance.
I’m willing to bet your balance is a little (or a lot) better. You’ve just sharpened up something called your VOR (vestibulo ocular reflex).
I didn’t create this test. I just know it works.
You can work on your balance by standing on one leg, or unstable surfaces, while you exercise, but those drills take more time and I’m yet to see appreciable improvement from them.
It doesn’t take as much time when you know what you ‘re doing.
Need to step up your work outs? Do you have specific goals to lift a ton or complete a race? The Trainers we work with have done it. They’ll show you the exact steps.
Experience matters. You can get there by trial and error.
Or you