Accountability Now

I ate almost 0 processed sugar for 110 days because I wrote about it in this newsletter. When i was tempted to eat something sugary I declined bc it would be embarrassing to fail in front of an audience. So thank you, Dear reader, for holding me accountable.

Why is the need to prove to myself to an audience of (mostly) strangers so strong?

Had I kept the goal to myself my mission would have likely succumbed to Halloween candy or Christmas cookies.

Is the embarrassment of public failure stronger than the merits of living a healthy lifestyle? There has to be a better way, right?

What other types of accountability can we use to improve our fitness?

Financial accountability is the motivation over at You’re betting the “house” you can lose a certain amount of weight over a 6+ month period.

I poked around the site for a few minutes. If I bet $500 a month for 6 months ($3000) that I can lose 20 lbs (10% of my current weight) I can win…


But if I lose 19.9 I lose $3000. That’s playing to not lose.

And with $3000 on the line how can I trust their scales?

Any other ideas

Accountability is arguably the biggest reason for hiring a Trainer.

“Research shows that having an idea alone means you’re only 10% likely to follow through. Planning how to do it takes that chance up to 50% and committing to your goals with someone else skyrockets your chances to 95%. That leaves a meager 5% likelihood of failing. The numbers don’t lie.”

So get a goal.

Tell a friend, your mailing list, your spouse, your (ahem) Trainer.

Your team can add encouragement, discipline, a healthy fear of failure, experience, and their expertise.

If they don't then get a new team.

Make a plan.

Set appointments.

Track relevant data.

Keep at it.

And success is (eventually) yours.

I'll bet on that.


Trust Your Guts


One problem