A fitness Oasis

If I had million dollars…

I’d start my own Canyon Ranch. I’d put all the workout and nutritional savvy I’ve picked up over 20 years and I’d create an Oasis. Rivendell without the elves.

Ok… it’ll probably take $10 million. What would a day there look like.

Train- Your oasis in the city.

Wake up

Wake up time comes after at least 8 hours of sleep.

How much should you sleep? We’d take a week or two and figure how much your body needs (on average) by letting you go to sleep when you're tired, and wake up when your internal clock dictates. We’ll time out the interval. Once we know how much sleep your bod needs (everyone is different) we’d make sure to protect that sleep by limiting blue light (cell phones), making sure your room is very dark and silent, and watching what we eat 2 hours prior to bedding down. We’d at least talk about setting a consistent bed time/wake up time to help you find a rhythm. Our bodies love rhythm.


Let’s go for a walk first thing. It doesn’t have to be far, just enough to get the blood pumping. Just you, on your own (or with your Pup), in nature, thinking about your day.

We’d follow that with some yoga. How much? How hard? We’ll meet you where you are. Once you're minimally proficient in yoga you’ll find that somedays you’re going to push it (Ashtanga), and some days you’re going to be more passive (Restorative).

We want you to move like Chadwick Boseman in ‘Black Panther’, aka someone who is comfortable in their body.

Breakfast time

To keep from repeating myself we’ll handle our breakfast, lunch and dinner plan right here.

You’re shopping and you’re cooking. All meals will be made with whole foods, have a balance of protein, carbs, veggies and healthy fats (This BOOK will give you an idea of our menu). There is a way to eat well, feel nourished, and it won’t take hours.

We’ll eat slowly, stop before we feel full, and make sure to enjoy time with others as part of the meal.


After breakfast we’ll take :20 minutes. Tune out. Unplug. You can take a guided meditation, or just sit in silence.

Workout #2

Want to strength train? Hike? Go for a run? Maybe a swim? We have amazing places for all of these workouts on our $10 million ranch.

80% of your workouts should feel easy, like you could have done more. The other 20% we’ll push you, but we’ll always have an eye on heart rate to ensure you don’t push to hard. Workouts should leave you invigorated.


See above.

Recovery and cleaning

It’s important to schedule in some down time during the day. Spend some time with your legs in a pair of our normatec boots, or take an ice bath in a nearby stream. This is a good time to play a board game with a friend or read a book.

Take a few minutes to clean up around your room, or organize a room of my $10 million dollar ranch. Having a clean and ordered living environment is great for your headspace.


See above.


Take some time before the end of your day to unwind. Play games, socialize, watch a good TV show. Connection is a key to living a long, purposeful life. This is your chance. Whatever you do, try to share the experience.

Wind Down

Set a bed time. Stop eating 2 hours before. Put down your phone an hour before. Right before you sleep take time for one last meditation. Whatever thoughts are kicking around in your head as you sleep will likely be there for the next 8 hours. Would you rather be thinking about grievances, or something wondrous. I love to listen to THIS before bed.

For this complete, immersive day experience we’ll charge $1,000 a day. We’ll take all major credit cards.

Space must be booked out months in advance.


Because you’re more likely to pay me a ton of money for this 2 week experience than you are to take time out of your day to do this for free at home. There’s a mythology that you need a special place and a wisened guru to get healthy when in fact YOU have all the ingredients to make every living day a paradise of health, connection and vitality.

But something has you stuck on your hamster wheel. You’re convinced that there’s not enough time; or you’re not good at yoga; or you’re not a good enough cook; and all I can say is someone else with more excuses figured it out, got it done, and can’t wait for you to join them at their next meal.


Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)


Great Arm Workout