Why is TRAIN the Best Place to Work and Workout?


TRAIN is a place for Fitness Professionals, and their clients, to maximize their potential.

Explain that.

How Does the Client Maximize Potential?

This one's easy: Fitness. Eat right. Breathe Right. Lift weights. Recover. Stretch. Transform your body. Increase confidence.

You need a place to do it, and a great coach to show you how.

Our studio is cutting edge. We don’t have ALL the equipment; we have the right equipment. We are small, yes, but we are by appointment only. We are uncluttered. There aren’t masses of people coming through our doors; just those who place a premium on a truly 1-on-1 training session.

Each of our workout stations has everything you need to successfully execute your program safely and privately.. No more working in. No crowds.

TRAIN attracts the best! The Personal Trainers we work with are Fitness Professionals who have proven themselves over years. The best are: on time, knowledgeable, personable, and practice what they preach. You reach your goal safely and efficiently with a great coach.

How Does TRAIN Attract the Best Personal Trainers? (i.e., How Does a Fitness Professional Maximize Potential?)

Every gym claims to have the best.

Personal Trainers peak in their first 4-5 years under the box gym model. You build a client base. You fill your prime time hours (and some off prime). Then what? How do you grow? Train more hours? Only so many in the day. Charge more? Only so much you can charge before you’re too expensive.

Great expertise deserves top dollar.

Cut out the Box Gym? Now we’re talking. Box gyms take up to half of what you charge hourly. Cut them out and you just doubled your pay rate. But now you need a place to work out. You need a cutting-edge fitness studio, small enough that clients feel they are in a private session, but large enough that you can reliably book training space.

You need TRAIN.

We rent our space to elite Fitness Professionals. Our business is giving you the perfect place to run yours. And we have more opportunities to grow.

Are you a top fitness mind? You need to start sharing what you’ve learned. TRAIN is an ideal place, with a great email list, to attract an audience to your workshops.

Are you a Social Media star? No one wants to watch you work out in your apartment. We have the space, the lighting, and the equipment to help you stand out.

Are you an entrepreneur? You can go it alone and learn everything the hard way; or we can go in together. We realize that the Fitness Professionals that we work with are going to grow their brand. Why compete with you when we can invest in you?

So what’s our model? We serve the client and the Fitness Professional better than anyone else can.

That sets us apart. That makes TRAIN the best!


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Trainers: You need to work for yourself


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